Volunteer in Spain
Featured Articles on Volunteer Work in Spain
English? Volunteer in Spain
A unique program where you can volunteer to teach English in exchange for learning Spanish, often set in beautiful locations. Have all your expenses covered and meet incredible people in Spain; all simply for being a native English-speaker.
Volunteer in Spain and Make the Desert Green
Saskia Cornes describes a volunteer program which promotes sustainable living.
Volunteer in Spain: Choose from Several Locations
Roy Barnes on a volunteer experience with a program with branches across Spain, where room and board is exchanged for teaching conversational English.
Volunteer Adventures in Spain: Marine Conservation in Barcelona
GoEco offers a diverse selection of wildlife, humanitarian
and environmental projects in Europe. You have
the opportunity to choose among several exciting
initiatives in Spain, including Marine Conservation. Whether you’re interested
in wildlife research and ecological farming, conservation, education and development,
or hospitality, you can expect the volunteer experience of a lifetime!
Connect-123 Volunteer Programs
in Barcelona, Spain
Connect-123 links you to volunteer projects in Barcelona, Spain, according to your interests and skills, in human rights, community service, social work, education, and many other fields. Projects include working at a legal advice center, assessing the impact of community-based interventions, environmental causes, teaching English and education, youth sports, economic development, animal science and wildlife programs.
What's included: Finding a volunteering project that specifically meets your needs; arranging secure, high-quality, centrally-located accommodation based on your budget; assisting with local transport and providing advice on public transport routes; airport meet and greet service; a complete Spain preparation and orientation information pack; advice, assistance, and guidance before, during, and after your stay; group-rate discounts; and 24/7 emergency support and assistance. We can also arrange Spanish classes, which are optional.
Instituto Hemingway
in Spain
We offer immersion Spanish courses
all year round at special prices, jobs
in hospitality management all around Spain, affordable internships in different
cities throughout Spain, culinary arts in top hotels,
field trips for schools and colleges, unpaid
volunteer programs, Spanish online courses,
and Dele preparation exams.
PuebloIngles — Volunteer in Spain in an English Conversation
Pueblo Ingles has been described as an inspiring
cultural adventure, an enriching personal journey,
and a unique, human experience. Each week twenty Native
English speakers are sponsored to stay in a beautiful,
picturesque 3-4-star resort in Spain so they can converse
with Spanish professionals who want to improve their
English. Accommodation, food and wine are provided
in exchange for your conversation. It's a unique and
enjoyable experience and the best way to learn about
Spain if you don't speak the local lingo.
Sunseed Desert Technology
Volunteer in Andalucia, Southern Spain
Sunseed Desert Technology aims to develop, demonstrate and communicate accessible, low-tech methods of living sustainably in a semi-arid environment. They are based in the province of Almeria in the eastern part of Andalucia, Southern Spain. Every year up to three hundred international volunteers come to work at Sunseed Desert Technology staying for between a week and several months. Volunteers can work in all of our departments which include: Appropriate Technology, Organic Gardening, Dryland Management and Construction and Maintenance. All volunteers and staff also share the communal cooking and cleaning duties. Volunteers pay a weekly donation towards food and accommodation, this money almost entirely funds the work of the project.