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Photo of passport and guidebook used during study abroad in Rome.Student Writing Contest Winner

How to Overcome the Study Abroad Blues

Advice from a Student in Rome

Article and photos by Daniel King

Preparation for a trip to Rome, Italy, with passports, guidebooks, and credit and ATM cards/
Preparation for travel in Italy.

Think of a significant challenge you have recently overcome. How did you manage to pull it off? Undoubtedly, many factors contributed to your success, but what is paramount is that you are no stranger to overcoming obstacles. Now, take a moment to visualize and digest the following hurdle: traveling from home to live with strangers in an unfamiliar part of the world. Crazy, right? The ambition motivating your decision to study abroad will test your sanity unfathomably. Your limits are sometimes reached in all the wrong places, but you will grow as an individual in all the right ways.

Now that the decision is concrete, it's time to try to comprehend the journey that awaits. Diving headfirst into a new culture can be exciting in many challenging ways and poses many questions. Here are a few that popped up in my untraveled mind:

  • Where will I be living?
  • What will I be eating?
  • Do I need to learn the language?
  • Is Netflix available?

No question about studying abroad is unreasonable; ask away, especially to those who have previously participated in a program. In some instances, getting entirely satisfactory answers to some questions can be challenging, as the study abroad experience is unique to the individual and country. Regardless, mental preparation and sustainability are essential for all soon-to-be abroad students.

What do I mean by mental preparation and sustainability? Deciding to study abroad can induce an unsettling state of mind, often met with excessive anxiety. Not only was I barraged with such enthusiasm before departing to Rome, but I have been confronted with ups and downs since my arrival. So, how does one approach the stresses of studying abroad with composure? Join me as I share some advice and methods for coping with the psychological roller coaster and making the most of the ride.

Boats in the lovely harbor of Capri, Italy.
Boats in a lovely harbor in Capri, Italy.

Before You Go

You've survived the toils of planning for your trip abroad (e.g., visa application, registration, etc.), and now it's a waiting game. This period of limbo was a mentally exhausting part of the process for me due to the uncertainty of expectations. I had little to no knowledge about the local people who would host me, how they would treat me, or to what degree homesickness would ensue. I was enthusiastic but stuck in a regretful funk for making such a bold decision to leave home. Such feelings occur in many soon-to-be abroad students. They likely will happen to you before departure on your first study abroad experience. So, what can you do to alleviate this "headache?" Review the key points below, and don't sweat it, as this will likely immeasurably improve your life, often serving as a life-changing experience, as you and many other fellow students realize immediately or over time.

(Editor's Note: We have a great many student articles who write about positive transformation in their lives during the study abroad process.)

1) Remember, You Are Not Alone

Before abandoning your cozy roots, expect a loss of comfort and possibly the sense that the trip you are about to embark upon is dangerous and untried. These are normal feelings; I felt them for months up until the moment of my arrival. It's fundamental to acknowledge that thousands, if not millions, of students have experienced such emotions while wearing the same heavy shoes that are currently on your feet.

To lessen the angst, seek advice from friends who have previously studied abroad; they can provide reassurance regarding why this is a positive choice. If you still need convincing, flex your millennial muscles and utilize the internet to find firsthand accounts of study abroad experiences. Consider yourself now inducted into one of the most enlightened "clubs" — a family of like-minded peers who will happily bestow guidance and join you in spirit.

2) Do Your Due Diligence

Just as no one recommends attending a job interview if you lack background knowledge about the organization where you seek employment, it's not wise to go abroad without researching your host country. Although research doesn't excite the average person, it serves a critical purpose. It provides peace of mind to someone who has yet to become an experienced traveler.

To start, search broadly and then slowly narrow the focus. For instance, language barriers were of great concern to me. Although knowing that many Romans speak English, I researched to discover whether there is an expectation that I have a general comprehension of Italian. Narrowing the search, I concentrated on common courtesy practices for intercultural conversation. I learned that it is respectful to attempt to speak Italian first, even if it feels embarrassing; this results in a more welcoming disposition from the locals. Jumping straight into speaking a foreign tongue is synonymous with slapping Romans in the face. Thanks to Google for saving their metaphorical cheeks!

3) Set Open-Minded Goals

Clearly, I cannot tell you why you are studying abroad or what you should seek to achieve; this is for you to decide. Take a long period to ponder your objectives, as they will drive your mental motivations for the upcoming months. If you are stuck, here are a few introspective questions to get you started:

  • What is your purpose for studying abroad?
  • Why is going abroad of value to you?
  • What type of experience do you want?

For me, it was necessary to redefine the concept of "normal." I desired a new perspective on my culture's social interactions, work styles, and thinking patterns compared to the Italian way of life. Lastly, I used the new situation to strive to learn about myself: why and how I approach and handle situations the way I do, in an attempt to renew an understanding of what it meant to be "me."

There is an overwhelming degree to which individuals change throughout their formative, collegiate years. Studying abroad can provide another opportunity to discover a renewed sense of being. An integral part of tackling any challenge is becoming an improved person. Be willing to accept and embrace your new opinions, perspectives, and personality.

Pantheon at night in Rome.
Some of the busy nightlife in Rome is in front of the Pantheon. Photo ©

While Abroad

Now that you are in your new home and acclimated to an alternative way of life, you can expect a new set of challenges ahead. Perhaps you've regained a sense of comfort, made friends, and become familiar with the surrounding neighborhoods—doesn't it feel great to be abroad? It should! Fortunately, there are many great times ahead. Unfortunately, you may succumb to a few less-than-ideal periods. Take advantage of the following tips to ensure a positive and eager outlook:

1) You Are Overseas: Do Things That You Normally Wouldn’t Do

Living abroad serves as the perfect theater for trying new things. Don't hesitate to act outside of your ethnocentric boundaries. You will meet plenty of fellow study abroad students who tend to shy away from local norms; this includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Unadventurous eating habits
  • Frequenting American-style venues
  • Reluctance to make local friends

Do not fall into the trap of cultural convenience. Although it may feel comfortable, by so doing, you will undoubtedly need to recognize more of the unique character offered by the host country.

Try adapting your routine to that of the locals. Eat what they eat. Drink what they drink. Go where they go. Do what they do. Although being a follower is not always considered a charismatic quality, don't hesitate to give up a bit of your freedom to free your mind. Being open-minded with unrestricted affirmation will provide opportunities for the most significant cultural immersion experience.

Safety tip: As a word to the wise, be careful to try new things using sound judgment and common sense. Trying new things does not involve putting yourself in dangerous situations due to peer pressure. Be venturous, but be smart.

2) Use Your Support System While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can be mentally and physically draining. Yet, thankfully, an elaborate support system is available to help you along the way — so take advantage of it! Consider your parents, friends, and advisors — to mention just some of the people you know well — as part of your network. You can rest assured that everyone is anxious to hear about your travels and experiences. Putting your journey into perspective through verbal contextualization is very helpful, and it can also be quite soothing to hear familiar voices.

After my first few weeks living in Rome, with the initial excitement dissipated, I experienced a debilitating sense of homesickness. Homesickness? I'm 23 years old and have lived away from home for years, so why am I homesick now? There are multiple reasons for the diagnosis, but regardless, it is a tiresome and common illness. What is the best treatment? Schedule time to converse with those whom you miss most. It can be therapeutic to vent any frustrations while being granted a small taste of what you miss most — home.

Check out advice for communicating while abroad:

3) While Abroad, Focus on the Ultimate Goal

All significant accomplishments come with a price: the hardships and effort required to reach the achievement. Studying abroad does not avoid this impasse. As invigorating as the experience can be, it will test your patience. Like some described above, these "tests" vary from homesickness, goal incompatibilities amongst students, over-promotion of the party culture, lack of consideration for local norms, or simply a living environment that is not harmonious.

Whatever the reason(s) may be, try to recall why you chose to study abroad in the first place. Consider a few benefits you will have gained upon returning home: an improved sense of self, unparalleled memories, and a more mature global perspective. In the end, you will have attained an irreplaceable cultural experience that will permanently shape the individual you are and continue to become.

Gondolas in the water in Venice, Italy seen from Grand Canal.
A view of Venice from the Grand Canal.

You Are Abroad: Now What?

Live. Experience. Grow.

Maybe soon, you can "pay it forward" and provide guidance and wisdom to another soon-to-be study abroad student.

For now, enjoy yourself. It could be years, even decades, before you are overseas again. Pause and take in the subtleties that make living at your current location worthwhile. Relax and bask in the bountiful treasures the world around you offers. You may uncover a new sense of home; I certainly have.

Safe travels, friends.

Author on a bridge smiling in Cinque Terre, Italy.
The author enjoying himself in Cinque Terre, Italy.

Daniel King — originally from Charlotte, North Carolina — is a current senior pursuing a bachelor's degree in finance with an international business minor from The University of Louisville, located in the bluegrass state of Kentucky. In his free time, Daniel has passions for fitness, adventurous dining experiences, and playing the electric guitar.

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